Above: Mervyn Peake, author of Gormenghast
My simple thesis is that white writers, and specifically straight white men are the most valuable writers over time. I'm proving this with the best data I can get, which is completed sales data from ebay. It would be great if I had sales data from major book publishers, print on demand services, and ebook retailers, but I do not. The only other data point I could utilize would be Amazon's sales rank system, but between banning and outright manipulation, those numbers would be suspect.
There are two main weaknesses in the first presentation.
First, the World Fantasy Awards are small and insignificant, and I would need more data points to further my contention. That I have provided here via the David Pringle 100 list. Pringle's Science Fiction 100, and Fantasy 100 are the gold standards in speculative fiction criticism. He captured a wide range of authors, from bestselling household names, to obscure postmodern experimentalists. He included all political spectrums.
Second, white men created their successful basis via discrimination against minorities in women at the publishing level. This point would need a further rebuttal, but suffice it to say that Jewish representation among publishers, readers, and writers in science fiction is well above their population levels. I can crunch the tedious numbers about how many of these industry shapers were Jews, and it's a sure bet it was more than 2%. They were over-represented if anything, and are even moreso today. If there was a quality product to come out of any group of non-whites, it would have done so by now, as there is no oppression in the highly liberal and subjective field of fiction.
Here's the Pringle 100 Best Fantasy author list:
As you can see, many of these names repeat from the World Fantasy Awards. Fritz Leiber continues to be the most successful Jew on the list. (Interestingly, I have no confirmation he is a Jew. His name is German-Jewish, and his father was a movie actor in early Hollywood. His son is a psychiatrist and author. Hence, I have assigned Jew to his name, but he is at most a mischling).
Here's the breakdown:
Clearly, the dumbest plan possible for a publisher would be to promote anyone but white males, however this is the exact plan every major publisher, bookstore, and Amazon itself is going with. Astounding. My only other point is that some white women might think I'm bashing them in this group, and I don't mean to at all. White women outsell Jews too, but where you would really see this phenomenon is in romance literature, where white women thoroughly dominate the field.
Men could learn something from traditional romance publishing; these women's books we make fun of generally feature no race mixing and a very traditional approach to family and love. (I've never read one, but I know for a fact the Amish romance and traditional harlequin titles are not pornographic by any means.) If men had stuck with traditional men's fiction (adventure, swashbuckling, etc.) they might have kept selling books, and not be the impotent, powerless writers of today. Just a thought. Enjoy the list, scroll through for some of your favorite authors. I will publish the Science Fiction list in the next week. The Jews have to do better on that one, what with Isaac Asimov making his appearance.